Utopia Beach – Euclid, OH
Utopia Beach, Ohio
It is safe to assume that Utopia Beach, in beautiful Euclid Ohio has gathered your attention, but how can you choose to live in a place that you have not been to? Consider the following an introduction. The average ages here lie in the mid-40’s with an average income of a little over 54,000 making this a quaint place to live.
The education level here range from High School to college graduates. The average home in this suburban community of Utopia Beach is 243,146 and if you are concerned about traffic know that most residents here leave to work between the hours of 7:30 AM and 8:30 AM. Plan your day around that piece of knowledge. So what else makes this community a great place to inhabit?
Schools Zoned for Utopia Beach, Euclid
In Utopia Beach most children are enrolled in private schools but what schools rated the highest? Noble Academy-Cleveland High scored pretty high followed by Thomas Jefferson Elementary School. After those we’ve got Indian Hills Elementary School and Euclid Central Middle School which leaves us with the 5th highest ranking school, Lincoln Elementary School. Below is a map of schools you’ll find in the Euclid area:
Things to Do
What is there to do once you have settled in? Well for one there are two great parks: Nela Park and Forest Hill Park. Nile Park isn’t exactly a traditional park it is more of a historical piece, it is the first industrial park that showcases all sorts of pretty lights. Forest Hill Park is more traditional and houses 3 baseball diamonds as well as walking trails and tennis courts.
In Lake Erie, a small lake that sits very close to this neighborhood also neighbors the Lake Erie Artists Gallery. They actually enlighten your artistic side by teaching you the fundamentals while you sip on some wine from the Winehouse. There are also a few miniature golfing parks like Chip’s Clubhouse. On those days that you have nothing to do, and want to enjoy a full day with the family, there is also the Shore Cultural Centre. For a $30 fee you can enjoy raffles, free prizes, beer, wine, soda with a grandiose buffet.
Places of Interest
This lovely little neighborhood also houses some of Ohio’s most prized of places. The National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame for one, or the Softball Hall of Fame. The Euclid Public Library is ranked third in the United States for being one of the most diverse libraries!
Talk about having the best place for imagination and a rich learning experience for the whole family.
The city of Euclid has a diverse population compared to the suburban community of Utopia Beach which is predominately Caucasian, although that is something the community is attempting to change by exposing itself to other cultures.
The crime rate compared to the rest of the country is relatively low. With so much to do in this community you will have a hard time being bored. This is a great and safe little town to call home and it is waiting for you to make it whole.
Utopia Beach Listings: